Australian Scholar Helping Organise Yerevan Conference on the Genocidal Action of Forcibly Removing Children

By | Monday, 03 February 2020

MELBOURNE: Australian genocide scholar Dr. Donna-Lee Frieze is part of the organising committee of a conference to be held in Yerevan, June 24
th – June 26th 2020 on forcibly removing children from one group to another.

The academic from Deakin University's Contemporary Histories Research Group, is joined on
the international organising committee by the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights and the Pilecki Institute in Poland.

The conference is titled: “Children and Nation: Forcible Child Transfer and the Genocide Convention Through Historical and Contemporary Lenses.”

The organising committee will assess papers on case studies of forcible child removal in the 19th and 20th century including the Swiss removal of Roma and Sinti children and the German removal of Polish children in the Second World War, as well as the abduction of Indigenous children in colonised nations-states are also welcome.

