Links for tag 'israel'

Turkey is concerned over a decision by the Israeli parliament on Wednesday to have one of its standing committees consider a draft resolution recognising the Armenian Genocide...

Հակառակ ատրպեճանական ապատեղեկութեանց, թէ Հայկական Ցեղասպանութեան բանաձեւի նախագիծը պիտի չքննուի Իսրայէլ...

Իսրայէլի խորհրդարանի անդամ, ձախակողմեան <<Մերեց>> կուսակցութեան ղեկավար եւ Հայկական Ցեղասպանութիւնը...

ANKARA (Combined Sources)-High-ranking sources in the Israeli Foreign Ministry expressed displeasure with Turkey Thursday over the deployment of anti-aircraft batteries along the Syrian border in...

ANKARA (Combined Sources)-Turkey has accused Israel of state-sponsored terrorism while describing Monday morning's Israeli attack on a fleet of ships carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza.

ISTANBUL (Hurriyet)—Turkey’s continued military ties with Israel have become the target of criticism by the country’s Islamists, who say the prime minister was not strong enou...

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